First Announcement
First e-mail Announcement (20.06.2023)
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce the “Transients Down Under” conference to be held on 29 January - 02 February 2024 at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. The conference is during summertime in Australia and the aim is to start off the year by gathering international experts in transient astronomy at all wavelengths, messengers, and timescales.
Conference website:
Abstract submission for contributed talks and posters will be open until September 15, 2023. Abstract submission is separate from registration. The direct link to this page is here:
Transient astronomy is time-sensitive and requires the capabilities and coordination of various observational facilities worldwide. In addition, transients exhibit a wide range of physical processes and their wholesale discovery and the discovery of new classes feed and challenge theoretical models and place unique demands on current and future instrumentation, data handling, processing, and analysis. As a result, international collaborations are essential to acquire and interpret the data to progress the field and our understanding of the Universe.
Transients Down Under will be a primarily in-person 5-day conference to bring together researchers from around the world to share ideas and recent progress in these areas. Conference topics include cataclysmic events at all wavelengths, messengers, and durations and include research areas spanning observation, theory, data science, cultural astronomy, and instrumentation/software.